One-Liner Wednesday — Not Enough Time

5 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday — Not Enough Time

  1. Ah, that is SO true. Especially the books to read bit. Sometimes when I look at the entirety of literature I despair thinking I won’t ever be able to read it all. I wish I could take a year out and do nothing but read. Wouldn’t that be a luxury!!

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    1. oh yes, that’d be a dream come true. Especially if that year could be taken in Paris. Of course there are far too many books in Paris. I’d need about ten years to even get started on them 😉


      1. Oh yes! That would be heaven. Eating good food, reading good books, meandering around the streets, checking out the bouquinists, and not having to worry about the real world…. Well when we win the lottery, we can meet up in Paris 😉

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