SoCS – Heeling

Badge by: Doobster @ Mindful Digressions
Badge by: Doobster @ Mindful Digressions


This post is part of Linda G Hill’s “Stream of Consciousness Saturday”


I was inspired by a fellow SoCS-er today…Alexis over at People, Places, and Perspectives wrote about the healing power of a pair of heels, and she’s so right!  (You simply must visit Alexis if you’re not already a fan…she’s a very insightful girl!)

When I read Linda’s prompt today, I have to admit that my mind went to my closet. I have been striving to rid myself of all the extra things I have in my house, and I actually did give away many pairs of shoes recently! I still have several pairs of heels, though. Mostly wedges, because I find them to be stable and easy to wear, and super cute, but I also have two pairs of classic pumps in black and in nude.

When I think of high-heeled shoes, I know that there are many people who find them to be impractical, silly, maybe even a vestige of days when women were expected to be more “dependent” upon men, but I think these things are what you make of them. Sometimes, a shoe is just a shoe. Sometimes, it’s ok to choose cuteness over comfort because of the gorgeous color, or because of the way you feel when you wear them. Sometimes, it’s ok for a woman to yearn for glamour or elegance. Who’s to say she’s wrong, if it makes her feel beautiful? And who’s to say that she’s less capable because she loves these things?

When we were in Paris, we saw many many women, dressed up in high heels and dresses, très chic, riding the bicycles of Paris, les “vélos en libre-service” (‘Vélib). 



“Vélib” is a contraction of the words “Vélo” meaning “bicycle” and “Liberté” meaning “freedom.” And indeed for a small fee you can freely ride these bikes all over the city, picking them up and dropping them off at multiple locations! très cool, n’est-ce pas ? 

In any case, I have strayed far from the original topic of “heels” which is quite SoCS of me, isn’t it?? 🙂

16 thoughts on “SoCS – Heeling

  1. Streaming is straying, or at least that’s my mode of thinking. As I think a lot of men might be, I don’t go in for a lot of fashion in shoes, but I like comfort and practicality. I have a few styles for varying purposes and then keep them for years and years because they’re comfortable or I might need them someday. My wife wants me to get rid of some of my old ones and I guess she’s right. Maybe it’s time for me to tackle my shoe closet.

    I like this stream of consciousness stuff and would consider doing it except I don’t like to post Tossing It Out on Saturdays. A lot of my blogging is stream of consciousness writing style. I’m inspired by what you wrote.

    Tossing It Out


    1. Thanks for reading, Arlee. I write best this way, I think. even if it’s just about shoes 🙂 I can’t believe that A to Z time is just around the corner! I’d better start getting my thoughts together, n’est-ce pas? I’d like to thank you for your blogs; I love “A Few Words” and “Tossing it out” even if I don’t always comment, I love seeing them in my email 🙂


    1. That’s super cool! Nothing like that in Colorado! In fact I was too terrified to try them in Paris…I’m not that great of a bicyclist, and the traffic there is…well, c’est fou ! (it’s crazy!)

      I’m so hoping to visit London one day. I love reading books that take place there!


  2. The small-fee bikes are being launched experimentally in some aareas near me, in upstate New York, as well. =)

    I love this post. I’m tall, and tend to forget where I end and other things begin, so I prefer flats – but heels can be lovely, and empowering. Once, when I was 16, my father came to hit me while my back was turned. I was wearing 2 inch heels, and, when I turned, I was nearly at eye level to him.

    He never hit me, after that moment. That extra bit of stature gave me the confidence to meet his eyes – and that was so shocking that I didn’t look away. I don’t think he could hit me, seeing me on equal footing, so to speak…

    I think people, whatever their gender, ought to be able to define the role of their wardrobe choices for themselves. Heels don’t have to be sexual, or demeaning, or anything other than the wearer wants them to be.

    I’m heading over to ‘meet’ Alexis! =D


    1. I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. I think it is empowering to hear that your high heels gave you that boost when you needed it! Thanks so much for this very thoughtful comment.

      I’m sure you’ll love Alexis’ blog, she’s awesome 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s part of my life. When broken people have children without healing…well,children get broken, too.

        It took me until I had children of my own to really understand this…but my kids have a very different reality, now.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Comme toutes choses, les avis divergent dès que l’on parle d’une chose… Chacun y va de son commentaire ou de son expérience…
    Quant à moi, les talons hauts ne suscitent guère de réactions bien qu’une étude scientfique française prétend le contraire…

    Ce qui m’a le plus amusé vient du fait de l’association “talons hauts et vélibs”, décidemment l’esprit féminin est plus surprenant que des talons hauts !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. C’est très intéressant, cet article. J’étais surprise par l’expérience avec le gant! Moi, j’aime mes talons hauts parce qu’ils sont beaux, c’est tout. Quant à “l’esprit féminin,” Tu trouves ça “surprenant ? Hmmm. C’est une “mystère et boule de gomme” si je bien comprends l’expression…et je suis désolée, G, mais je ne peux pas te l’expliquer. Je suis “sous serment” aux femmes 😉


  5. Oui c’est vraiment “mystère et boule de gomme” cet “esprit féminin”, en même temps s’il était explicable, se ne serait plus vraiment un mystère. Mais si en plus il y a une conspiration du silence des intéressées, alors le mystère s’épaissit davantage… même quand il s’agit d’une histoire de gant…


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