SoCS – Finding my way home

Badge by: Doobster @ Mindful Digressions
Badge by: Doobster @ Mindful Digressions


This post is part of Linda G Hill’s “Stream of Consciousness Saturday”

Bonjour, chers lecteurs !  I’m back! My husband and I found our way home yesterday after having spent a month in the beautiful country of France! (and a couple of days in the beautiful country of Switzerland too!)

And what did we find there, you ask? Oh, so much to tell! I find myself a bit overwhelmed with the amount I have to write. I will be spending a lot of time doing so. I have this unreasonable desire to write about it all in chronological order, but I think that for my blog, this doesn’t matter or even necessarily make sense. I have stories to tell you, dear readers, for those of you who find that you are interested in hearing them. So I want to tell you in the most interesting way possible. I think that a chronology would be boring. So I have decided to do that bit on paper, just for me.

For you, I will find better ways! Poetry, entertaining episodes, lessons for travel and for life, portraits of life in a different country from the viewpoint of une touriste.  I will tell you in French and in English; sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes both.  I found that a trip like this is a little bit life-changing. My world is expanded, different somehow. Better, I think.

I wanted my first post back to be a “SoCS” and I figured that no matter what the prompt was, I would find it amongst my experiences. How perfect it was when I opened my reader, and found the word “find” there!  Thanks Linda!

So anyway, I am eager to write, I am eager to read what you all have written, and to “reprendre le train-train quotidien.” (get back to daily life).

I have been living in a dream world for a whole month! I hope there are still a few of you “out there” who would like to read about what I found there. I hope you will find it interesting as well!

A bientôt, chers lecteurs !  I am looking forward to getting back to the wonderful world of WP!


16 thoughts on “SoCS – Finding my way home

  1. Welcome home, cherie. I FOUND I missed your sweet missives, and I FIND I’m happy you had safe travels, and I FIND I’m twitching with anticipation to hear about your adventures in my second favorite country 🙂


  2. How lovely I shall look forward to see what you have to say! We returned from a week in the Loire Valley, we only had a week there but as you say it was life changing!!


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