SoCS — À Votre Santé !

To your health ! So I looked at Linda’s prompt today and thought about drinks, and the practice of toasting, and then of course I jumped headlong down the rabbit hole of the internet to see if I could figure out why we do this. Explanations ranged from a mutual sharing of a few drops of each other’s drink to allay mistrust (i.e. poisoning) to flavoring drinks with spiced toast, but in any case we humans have a long history of raising a glass to honor or celebrate someone or something.


Just about every culture has a word to say when raising a glass…Cheers! (there is an interesting bit about the word “Cheers” at the end of this article !) Santé! Tchin-tchin ! Slaintè! To your health! Hear, hear!


People have been writing poems, jokes, congratulations, and all manners of tributes to say while raising their glasses, some very famous.


I’m not famous, nor am I a poet, but here’s to you, mes chers lecteurs…


Un verre de vin rouge… ou

Un verre de vin blanc (if you prefer)

I raise a glass to you mes chers lecteurs !

Je vous remercie, I thank you all so much,

For stopping by this little corner of WP 🙂



This post is part of Linda G Hill’s “Stream of Consciousness Saturday”  — Click and read, click and join in! Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “drink.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!







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