Good Intentions – Jot #6

Your prompt for JusJoJan 2019, January 6th is brought to you by Sadje. Click here to find her last post and say hi while you’re there! Sadje’s word for our prompt today is “master.” Use it anywhere in your post or make it the theme of your post. Enjoy!

So far 2019 is a jumble of good intentions that I am definitely not mastering. I have managed only to master the art of carrying these good intentions from room to room, and in the case of Just Jot it January, that takes the form of me picking up and carrying several Leuchtturm notebooks, a pencil and eraser, my favorite super fine felt-tip marker and a couple of brush markers from room to room, and then getting distracted.

I have actually been jotting every day, but getting those jots onto the ol’ blog has been a bit more of a challenge. My intention is to post them all, and though I may be a bit behind and a bit out of order, I think I’ll get it done. Then I intend to jump right into InCoWriMo (International Correspondence Writing Month) in February. I tried my best to do that challenge last year, but right in the middle of it, I broke my leg, and… ça y est.

You’d think that being forced to lie in bed, I’d have all the time in the world to write letters, but as it turned out, between the pain and the drugs, I lacked motivation to do much more than watch documentaries on Netflix. This year will be better! (It really has nowhere to go but up?)

Anyone want to join me for InCoWriMo? Letter writing really is a lost art, and I think it’s one worth trying to preserve!

This post is part of Linda G. Hill’s “Just Jot it January.” Please click here to learn the rules and how to participate in the fun!

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