Dem Bones – SoCS

Oops! Thought I set this to publish yesterday. I am quite rusty at this WordPress stuff! Must get back into the game!

When I broke my leg last February, I was off work for 6 months. I thought originally that I would be blogging like crazy, but that didn’t happen.  There were several reasons, I guess. One was that I didn’t feel like I had anything to write about because just about everything in my life and in my brain was focused on my recovery. Quite frankly, sometimes it still is, (like tonight…my foot hurts quite a bit for whatever reason) even though I’m walking as much as I want to, and working, and doing everything but running and jumping. Of course those don’t land in my “favorite activities” list anyway. I used to say that one shouldn’t run unless one is being chased. It is a bit sobering to realize that I cannot run now even if I *am* being chased.

Another reason was just that I spent a good portion of that time either on pain killers or asleep or both. My concentration skills were somewhat diminished, so I went to FaceBook where concentration is not necessary.

This is not to say that I did zero writing. I joined a poetry course offered by YeahWrite, and participated via a FB group. I’m not sure if any of my poems were any good, but I did learn a couple of things. I’ll try to post some of them here later.

So what did I do for 2018 besides follow my doctor’s instructions for bone healing? Not a whole lot. My main accomplishment during most of this year was healing my tibia and fibula.

Aside from that, I am pretty proud that I have faithfully used a Bullet Journal to plan all my stuff. I know, I didn’t have a lot to “plan” in my “planner” but I did it anyway. I also learned to do a bit of simple drawing and hand-lettering. My “BuJo” is not an instagram-worthy work of art, but I like it, and thanks to being laid up for so long, I made it a habit. Since I started bearing weight on my leg, 26 weeks ago, I have journaled about how many steps I’ve done and how that made me feel.



But I really am liking the system and I find that I use it way more that I ever used any sort of digital planner or calendar.  I am sort of addicted to Tombow pens now and I love drawing little banners with words in them.

My Number one accomplishment in 2018 was being recovered enough to go on our planned trip to Berlin and France this year. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it, and in fact, it was definitely different from my “normal” European vacation, where I walk ~20-30K steps per day. My record was 20K one day, and it really hurt. I would get to a certain point, somewhere around 13K steps, and I would be more focused on the pain in my ankle than on the things I was determined to see. Despite this, I really enjoyed this vacation, and I consider that for me, 2018 began in September.

It’s been a short year. I am really trying to put “dem bones” behind me. I know the surgeon said it takes about a year for “full” healing, and I will have reminders of this break for a long time, maybe forever, but it’s a matter of getting used to the “new normal.” I love my compression socks. Especially the ones with the bones on them.

Click on the picture to find out more about Linda G Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday!








12 thoughts on “Dem Bones – SoCS

      1. Ca va bien. Je fais encore des rencontres sur skipe avec des correspondants pour apprendre l’anglais et je vais encore en Floride l’hiver .J’étais vraiment désolée d’apprendre que tu avais été sévèrement blessé. Je te souhaite un bon rétablissement mais je crains que ce ne sera pas facile . Bon courage.

        Liked by 1 person

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