Missing Letter Monday – Do you see what I see?


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Have you ever played the game “Taboo?” You get a word, and you have to make your partner say the word, but in doing so, there will be several “forbidden” words. They are usually the words you’d use most often, or derivatives of the given word, things like that, just so it won’t be too easy. That’s what is on my mind today as I write this post with the “letter of the week.” How many ways are there to make you say the forbidden letter, dear readers? Probably more than exist in my little brain, but I will try to make two haiku-type poems (I’m not sure they are “true” haiku), evoking two different ways to think of this letter.




Waltzing in and out

She whispers to a sailor

Ashore, his wife waits.









As the darkness fadesIMG_3459

pupils gather sunlight

vision breaks a dream.







wait…I mean “I didn’t use a thesaurus so I get…small round baked bits of sweet goodness beloved by a blue furry Sesame Street monster. “


14 thoughts on “Missing Letter Monday – Do you see what I see?

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