We shall sup well – SoCS/Jot #5

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “sap/sep/sip/sop/sup.” Use one or all of these words or find a word that contains them, but most of all, have fun! Wondering what to do with “sep”? This is interesting: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SEP Enjoy!

‘Sup, WP peeps? Me, I’m just hanging out, lazily jotting some stuff for the Just Jot it January event. You know what I love about this event? It can be lazy. Linda doesn’t make me feel guilty about being late with my posts, even if I do feel a twinge of guilt on this one, just because it was supposed to also be the “Stream of Consciousness SATURDAY” and I am posting it on Monday. Well, sometimes that’s just how things go, I guess. On the actual Saturday, we took my mom to lunch, went shopping, and then ate the meal we were going to eat on New Year’s Eve, but ended up not eating because my poor hubby was sick, grâce à some bad pizza that afternoon.

We supped well on Saturday. We had cheese fondue and a nice glass of wine. We are also supping well tonight. Some relatives are coming for dinner tonight, and I have made fresh baguettes and a simple little salad. So…that’s about it for around here. Happy Monday !

This post is part of Linda G. Hill’s “Just Jot it January.” Please click here to learn the rules and how to participate in the fun!


SoCS badge by Pamela, at https://achronicalofhope.com/

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