Love-Hate Challenge

Love-Hate challenge


Two of my favorite bloggers tagged me in this challenge: to list out ten things I love, ten things I hate and ten blogging buddies I’d like to involve in the challenge. I’m usually terrible with these sorts of things, but I cannot refuse anything to  Sammy and Celine   because they are both such wonderful ladies!

10 things I love:

1. My wonderful husband

2. The smell of old books

3. The smell of new books

4. Sitting outside reading, maybe with an espresso, maybe at a French café, “à la terrasse” !

5. Parler français, bien sûr !

6. Coffee

7. Writing in a journal with my favorite pen

8. Cooking in my kitchen, with some nice music playing in the background.

9. Sharing the things I create in my kitchen with people who appreciate them.

10. Going for a walk when the sky is perfectly cloudy, the temperature is about 13ºC, and there is a slight breeze.


10 things I hate:

1. Rude people

2. Being too hot

3. The way I feel when I realize that I have been selfish, rude, or otherwise displayed abominable characteristics to someone else.

4. Sock monkeys

5. When my stove is dirty

6. Out-of-tune instruments

7. Large crowds

8. Mud

9. Carrying too much stuff

10. the word “hate.”



Here’s the part where I’m supposed to list 10 bloggers to “invite” to play along. Well, there are far more than 10 blogs that I love and read on a regular basis, but I say this is for all of  mes chers lecteurs…anyone who is reading is invited to play along in fact, and if you do, please put your link in the comments so everyone who visits me, can visit you too!  Or just put your lists in the comments if you don’t have a blog of your own and still want to join in 🙂

Thanks for the invite, Sammy and Celine! ❤ ❤


17 thoughts on “Love-Hate Challenge

  1. LOL I Just left you a comment on mine about knowing you’d have the same problem with the word ‘hate’ the rest of us did 😜

    You are certainly one of ma cheries as well 💖. I remember too well picking your intriguing-sounding ‘French’ blog from the 2014 A to Z and then fortuitously meeting Celine through you on the very last day of the Challenge. Since then I see all three of us intertwined with a charming, thoughtful, engaging community of bloggers and it warms my heart every morning to know some, if not all, of you will be in my life today 😀

    Thanks for participating!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 🙂 Bien sur que oui, G. Tu m’a déjà montré ses sites artistiques qui sont très intéressants. Je les conseil à tous mes lecteurs francophones et francophiles. Les poèmes de ton amie sont vraiment beaux et très bien écrit (bien sûr!) Le deuxième site avec son art visuel est également magnifique.
      Donc, je vais compter ces deux sites comme ta liste “que tu aimes” et tu ne dois pas écrire une liste “que tu n’aimes pas.” 😉


  2. Yay, thanks for joining in! Great lists too! Reading outside is a very good one 🙂
    What are sock monkeys though? I’ve never heard of them — they actually sound quite cute!

    I’m with you on the word hate — it’s a very strong word and one I don’t like to bandy about! You should definitely never come to Hong Kong in the summer if you don’t like to be too hot. It’s so humid and hot at the moment that I can barely step out the front door before I’m dripping with sweat and my hair turns into a pile of frizz 😦 can’t wait for autumn!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sock monkeys are evil creatures, given to innocent children under the guise of “toys.” The most malicious use of yarn ever. I’m sure they do horrible things when you’re not looking. They always have these ghastly red smiles too. (shudder)

      Noted: visit Hong Kong in the winter. Got it ! 🙂


        1. Ten Things I Love

          1. I love being asked questions like this. Something which invites me to communicate. It’s the kind of question one asks primary school children in order to encourage reluctant writers, but better than that , it opens a window in the mind.
          2. I love playing the viola da gamba in consort with close friends with whom I have played since the year 2000. We all began this instrument late in life but we ‘stuck together ’and ‘ stuck at it’ until we can play, Byrd, Gibbons , Ward and much more together. This gives us another window, a window into the past.

          3. I love my dear husband. He is not a music lover, he plays crown green bowls but he makes me think of music. Do you know the line in Hayden’s Creation, “Graceful Consort”? That phrase describes him perfectly

          4. I love walks with views from high places. I have just come back from a week in a Medieval mountain village in Liguria called Triora. You can see pictures of it at There are some lovely walks around my home too, also with wonderful views.

          5. I love meeting new people, especially ones from other countries. Last week, I met two people from the United States, a person from Australia and three people from Denmark. We were on the Triora music course together for a week. I will remember them forever.

          6. I like to mix with wide age groups. I need to keep in touch with modern ways of thinking. My attitudes sometimes shock my daughter, goodness know how I must appear to the generation after that.

          7. I love learning foreign languages, not that I am particularly good at it, but I am able to read a French, a German and an Italian magazine each month. I also look forward to my Transparent Word of the Day email. I have added Latin to my list and have begun an online free learn Latin course. My goals are to read, Proust, Goethe and Dante in the original, and who knows, maybe some Latin authors.

          8. I love my family. This was always wonderful, but at the age of 35 my daughter produced two of the most adorable grandchildren, Sophia 6 and Lola 2. I don’t know why, but I never expected this indescribable joy to come my way, particularly since it involved absolutely no effort on my part.

          9. I love my garden. It’s a patio garden at the back of the house with most things in pots, just a few trees in the ground near the edges. It has four different levels and a waterfall and pond made from genuine Welsh Slate. It is shady and peaceful and I will be able to manage it well myself even into extreme old age.
          10. I love being retired. The ambition, the frustration, the competition have all fallen away and are replaced by freedom, choice and calm.
          This has made me feel so well, I think that I must leave the things I hate for another day.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. that is an amazing list, Hazel! Thanks so much for playing along! That is really cool that you play the viola da gamba. I love that era of music. I think you have listed so many wonderful things 🙂


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