SoCS — Rude awakening

Badge by: Doobster @ Mindful Digressions
Badge by: Doobster @ Mindful Digressions


This post is part of Linda G Hill’s “Stream of Consciousness Saturday”  — Click and read, click and join in! Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “ke.”  Use the letter combination at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the word you choose to base your post on. Heck, make up your own word if you’d like! Enjoy!


Chers lecteurs,

I really didn’t know what to make of Linda’s prompt today.  I awoke with a headache because there was some sort of kerfuffle outside. I heard a loud racket and then there was some bickering. As it turns out, the neighbor’s son backed into his dad’s motorbike with his truck. He braked, but alas too late.   If he hadn’t parked his truck with the tires askew, maybe he wouldn’t have broken the bike, but now he was in a pickle as his dad was extremely irked.  From the sounds of it, his dad is going to drive the truck, and the son will have to hitchhike to his job at the dog kennel.  Since he will be paying to have the bike worked on, I think it’s unlikely that his summer weekends will be packed with buckets of fun. Poor kid. What a way to start the summer.

I’m going to make a coffee now, to have with a yummy pastry I picked up at the bakery yesterday.

And now…I will tell you, there are only two facts in this story that are true. Can you guess which two, chers lecteurs? The rest of the story is fake. 🙂

À bientôt !





28 thoughts on “SoCS — Rude awakening

      1. By the looks of things it better be something we’ll enjoy in the rain 😀

        Have end-of-school-year activities with G’kids next week; will email you soon to see about getting together after that!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I know…I think we’ve been transported to Oregon 😀
          My idea is completely waterproof! just let me know when you’ll have time. I’m looking forward to it !

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Celine! Sadly, I didn’t have a pastry, but if I had, it would have been that amazing pain aux raisins from the boulangerie near the apartment where we stayed in Paris 🙂 I never really knew these existed until I went to France, where I ate, um…a “few” 🙂


      1. Hahaha, that’s the only quantity one should eat pain au raisin. I’m going back to France for a few days soon to see my grandfather, and I’m already salivating at the idea of croissants and baguettes for breakfast 😉 c’est la meilleure facon de commencer la journee!!


  1. Hélas mon anglais ne peut me permettre de savoir les deux choses fausses mais je retiens ton idée café et patisserie française, c’est plus facile pour moi…:=)

    Liked by 1 person

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