Notre Septembre Inoubliable – mmmm….les Figues !

 Allons-y ! On y va ! C’est parti ! Suivez-moi en France où je vais vous parler d’un mois de septembre inoubliable ! 

Let’s go! Follow me to France where I will tell you about a September to remember!

(To read last year’s post,” F is for Figues de Solliès” Click HERE )

Est-ce que nous y sommes allés? (Did we go there?)

Alors, nous ne sommes pas allés à Solliès-Pont, mais en fait, nous avons mangé beaucoup de figues quand nous étions en Provence avec nos amis. Cette semaine-là fut vraiment merveilleuse. Ma correspondante nous a invités chez elle quelques jours, et ce fut l’un des temps forts de notre voyage. 

So, we didn’t exactly go to Solliès-Pont, but we did in fact eat a lot of figs when we were in Provence with our friends. That week was truly wonderful. My correspondant invited us to stay with her for several days and it was one of the highlights of our trip!

Comment cela s’est-il passé ? (So how was it?)

J’ai rencontré Agnès sur “My Language Exchange” il y a presque deux ans. Nous avons un “échange linguistique” depuis, mais c’est plus que ça. Elle est une vraie amie. Ce que je veux dire, c’est qu’il est possible avec la technologie de rencontrer des personnes qu’on ne pouvait pas trouver il y a dix ans. C’est une sorte de magie ! 

Alors, revenons à nos…figues ! Grâce à Agnès nous avons goûté plusieurs  sortes de figues: des Figues de Solliès, bien sûr, mais elle nous a donné aussi un pot de confiture de figues, fait maison d’une de ses amies. C’était exquis et nous en avons eu avec nous pendant le reste de notre voyage. Nous en avons mangé avec du pain au petit déjeuner pendant quelques jours.

I met Agnès on “My Language Exchange” almost two years ago. We have had a “language exchange” since then, but it’s more than that. She is a real friend. What I’m saying is, with the technology that we have, it is possible to meet people that we would never have crossed paths with even ten years ago! It’s sort of like magic!

So getting back to the figs.  Thanks to Agnès we tried several types of figs: the “Figues de Solliès” of course, but she also gave us a jar of home-made fig jam, made by one of her friends. It was absolutely amazing and we took it with us for the rest of our trip. We ate this with bread for breakfast on many days.

Si c’était à refaire, qu’est-ce que je ferais de différent? (If I could do it again, would I do anything differently?)

Cette semaine fut parfaite grâce à nos amis ! Les figues font partie de l’ambiance de la Provence. J’ai de bons souvenirs de ce pays et le goût de la figue va toujours être quelque chose qui me fera penser à ce voyage et à nos amis.

This week was perfect thanks to our friends! The figs were a part of the ambiance of Provence. I have such wonderful memories of this place and the taste of figs will always remind me of this trip and of our friends there.

Les petites astuces de votre blogueuse (Tips and tricks from your “Forty, C’est Fantastique” hostess) 🙂

À propos des figues, je vous conseille d’être courageux.  Allez sur les marchés et parlez avec les vendeurs. Posez-leur des questions, ne vous inquiétez pas si vous ne parlez pas bien le français. Vous gagnerez une expérience inoubliable, et vous aurez également des bonnes figues ! 

About the figs, I advise you to be courageous. Go to the markets and talk with the vendors. Ask them questions, don’t worry if your French isn’t that great. You will gain a memorable experience, not to mention you will have some really tasty figs!

Et vous, chers lecteurs? Vous aimez des figues? Quelle est votre recette préférée “aux figues” ? 

And you, dear readers? Do you like figs? What is your favorite fig recipe? 

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*Veuillez excuser mes fautes de français ! J’apprends de plus en plus chaque jour mais je vais toujours fais faire des erreurs 🙂

22 thoughts on “Notre Septembre Inoubliable – mmmm….les Figues !

  1. Great advice about talking to the vendors in the market. We try to visit local markets whenever we travel and have been introduced to some wonderful things there. My favorite people to talk to are the cheese makers. I had one lady tell me all about her goats and how the soil in their field affects the cheese. It was amazing cheese.

    Figs are an under appreciated fruit. Did you try any wrapped in ham? My grandmother used to make that when I was a little kid and then we were served that in Spain.


  2. J’aime bein des figues!
    One of my favorites, although difficult to find fresh figs where I live. When we lived in the South, they were abundant for most of the summer. Fig jam is so delicious all winter, too.
    And Fig Newtons, year round — oh yes! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it’s hard for me too. Every once in a while I find them at Whole Foods, the ones from Cali. Love Fig newtons! In fact I once found a recipe and made them at home with dried figs– awesome!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a fabulous adventure! Provence must be a magical place. Fantastique! Meeting online friends in person can only deepen the friendship, as I have also discovered. We developed a taste for fresh figs in Italy, Greece and Turkey and seek them out here, too. Délicieux! 🙂


  4. K. tes photos reflètent vraiment les marchés Provençaux… beaucoup de fruits et légumes de cette région, d’autant plus que septembre est un bon mois pour la cueillette de ces fruits !
    Quant aux fameuses figues, je les aime nature…. hummm miam miam

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so glad you shared about the Language Exchange website. I didn’t know about it before your post, but now I’m anxious to try it. It sounds like fun and a fantastic way to learn a new language! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Haha, every time I go to another country, I would shamelessly converse with the locals there using their language even though I can only speak the basics.

    I haven’t been in France yet though, I hope that I could visit there in the future.


  7. Finally getting around to catching up on A to Z posts! 🙂 Loved this one – figs are one of my favourite things. My grandparents (the ones whose house I went to in the summers) had fig trees in their garden, and when the figs were ripe we’d pick them eat them off the trees. They were so good! Fig jam is tasty too, a great addition to the petit dejeuner.

    It’s wonderful that you got to meet up with Agnes having met her online — technology is amazing in how it allows us to connect with people!

    Liked by 1 person

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