One-Liner Wednesday — À bientôt !

IMG_3325So I just looked (at nearly midnight) to see if the “Word of the Day” on my French “Mot du jour” calendar was “One-Liner Wednesday” worthy. I didn’t find it inspiring, so I took yesterday’s word, which was  “À bientôt !” meaning, “See you Soon!” I love how the French never really say “good-bye” but rather say some phrase as to when they’ll see you again. à lundi, à la semaine prochaine, à demain… or if they aren’t sure when but they’re sure they will see you again, then maybe just à bientôt, or “salut!” or they even steal the Italian “ciao!” 

C’est génial que vous lisiez mon blog, à bientôt !  — It’s great that you’re reading my blog – see you soon! 



Join Linda G Hill’s “One-Liner Wednesday” here!


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