Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

Well, I keep telling you all that I am a musician. So here’s a little “proof.”  This isn’t my “real” instrument, but I recently pulled this psaltery out and started messing around with it and in doing so I discovered the “Hymn Pod” site by Christopher Tan, a very talented pianist. Since hymns are one of my favorite types of music, I was really happy to find this site!  I asked him if it would be ok if I used one of his recordings to play along with, and he graciously gave permission. So here is my first try at a “musical” post, and I think I will do a couple more as well 🙂 Hope you like it!



Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy/ Kingsfold

Lyrics: Joseph Hart
Music: William Walker

I’m playing a bowed psaltery; the piano part is gratefully used by permission from Christopher Tan at HymnPod…Please visit his website for great music played by a wonderful pianist.

I have employed the hymn tune “Kingsfold” as a countermelody to this song. I hope you like it!

The Bowed Psaltery is a folk-type instrument, and not too hard to get the hang of…I actually discovered it at a Renaissance fair.

20 thoughts on “Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

  1. Après t’avoir entendue à la flûte traversière, tu me fais découvrir une autre facette
    de tes talents et un autre style de musique qui mérite d’être redécouvert…
    Bon week-end à toi



    1. Thanks Sammy! No, truly, if you can play the piano even a little bit this instrument is not too hard to pick up 🙂 if you ever go to the Ren fest at Larkspur, you could probably try one out ! Glad you liked the video!


      1. I haven’t been to the Ren fest, thinking only of turkey-leg munching crowds, heat and did I mention crowds and heat? But when I heard and watched you play, I did think I might be missing something so unique it’s worth a little “buck up” tolerance on my part.

        Will certainly look up their website and re-think a visit.


        1. You are mostly right about the Renfest, but we go every 5 years or so…just long enough to forget the heat and people…😜 make sure not to go on kids weekend. It’s crazy crazy!


        2. Maybe I’ll just enjoy your lovely music from the comfort of home:-). I do hope you continue because it’s like having a little chamber music in my parlor. I was utterly fascinated by watching your hands and hearing the melody. It is truly a fascinating instrument.


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