F is for Figues de Solliès



My theme – “26 Things I’d Like To See During Our Trip To France”


  F is for “Figues de Solliès” 


Before I begin, I have to say that F is also for Fiftieth because by chance this is my fiftieth post here on “Forty, C’est Fantastique” ! Yay!

What is this? Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

"ficus carica" by Eric Hunt .  This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
ficus carica” by Eric Hunt . This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

They are figs. But not just any fig. I really really love figs. Fresh figs in particular, but also dried figs, fig jam, fig cookies… Here in the US, the state of California produces a darned good fig. But I am led to believe that in the south of France, they have a corner on the production of excellent figs due to their terroir. (Just click on that link, because Wiki explains “terroir” better than I can 🙂 )   To understand this, you must first understand Appellation d’origine contrôlée”. Not to say that I truly understand this, but if a product has earned this label, it is a big deal.  So I think the least I can do is partake in as many of these as possible. Since we will be in the South of France during the proper season, I think, “pourquoi pas ?” (why not?) Plus, the town of Solliès-Pont looks absolutely charming. If you can understand a bit of French I recommend this episode of the Michelin-starred French chef Guy Martin’s TV show, “Épicerie Fine.” I love this show because Guy Martin speaks très clairement (very clearly), so it’s good for me to practice my French comprehension. He highlights different French specialities in his show and he is very enthusiastic and engaging.

Where is it? Où est-ce?  

The town of Solliès-Pont is in the Var département of the Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur région in the South of France. Check out this website for the FIGS. It’s available in French and English.

Why do I want to go there? Pourquoi est-ce que je veux y aller ?

This département is a special destination on our trip because we will meet another of my correspondents in this area, une autre dame élégante (another very elegant lady) and this is really the highlight of this region for me 🙂

And you, dear A to Z-ers?  Et vous ? 

Are you Fig Fans? Have you eaten these particular figs?

Alors à lundi, chers lecteurs ! See you Monday!

14 thoughts on “F is for Figues de Solliès

  1. C’est promis, quand tu viendras en Provence, je te ferais un dessert à base de figues et nous irons faire un tour à Solliès, royaume de la figue…


    1. Merci! I think there really isn’t any way I don’t like figs. Wrapped in serrano sounds really delicious! I also like them stuffed with goat cheese and broiled for just a few minutes with just a drizzle of honey over. Or just fresh and sliced and put on a plate! Or dried ones cooked into a jam with a little orange zest and used to spread on homemade shortbread. Way better than those one cookies, you know which ones 🙂


  2. Happy 50th! Reading your posts is reinvigorating my enthusiasm about living here in France… Not that I’m ever unenthusiastic! Your trip’s going to be amazing. I’m looking forward to reading about more destinations!


  3. Congratulations on your 50th!! Such a terrific post, and great format for A to Z with your Q&a. The snippets of French spice it up. I find myself leaving with a little pour quois or qu’est-ce que c’est trilling through my head.


    1. Thanks and I’m glad you like the format. I wanted to do something consistent to prevent rambling during A to Z…it’s a way to trick myself so I can stay focused 🙂


  4. Je suis d’accord pour les figues. Je les adore. N’oublie pas de visiter la chapelle sainte Christine si vous allez à Solliès 😉


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